On this page you’ll find the most frequently questions that have been asked to me regarding Lush. Because I get these questions a lot, I decided to put them all at one page. If you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask me! Note: I do NOT work for Lush, neither do I (claim to) know everything about Lush. Everything on this page is purely based on my own experiences with Lush. It’s always best to ask Lush (UK / USA) themselves if you have a question.
When is Lush sale?
In the USA they have a BOGO sale — a buy-one-get-one-free deal. In Europe, the sale consists of 50% off. Boxing day is both online and in-store. Check your local store’s social media or email list for more details.
All of the remaining Christmas products and some selected year-round items are for sale, while supplies last — meaning there’s no ‘end date’ to the sale. The sale also includes gift sets, but Halloween products can also be included. It depends every year. No one know’s which year-round items will be for sale.
In my experience, ordering online during the sale can be a hell. The website seems to crash every year, it gets incredibly slow, items get sold out REAL quick – BUT they (almost) always get restocked. So my advice is to keep refreshing the page, don’t wait to long with ordering your products, and have fun stocking up!
Why doesn’t Lush have sale more often?
How do I get Lush samples?
In stores you can also get samples; just ask the staff. I can not make any guarantees, so please don’t get angry and start throwing bath bombs to them if it’s not possible for whatever reason.
Can I use Lush after the expiry date?
Last week I threw away an Ultrabland, which expire date was in 2017. It didn’t smell good anymore, so I threw it away. But if a product still smells good, and if there’s no mold or whatsoever on it, then just try it. If it doesn’t smell good — toss it away. Simple as that. Use your common sense with this. If you don’t want to take a risk, or if you’re hesitating whether a product is still good, toss it away! Especially with facial products. There is no point in using products that will only irritate your skin or cause other problems.
I have a lot of shower gels and jellies that are expired in 2016 or 2017, I still use them, as long as they smell good. I may have to give ’em a good shake, but that’s all. Bath bombs can also be used after the expire date. The worst thing that can happen is that it becomes a dud and that it sinks to the bottom of your bath. Bubble bars can look like their a bit moldy, I have still used them — just cut or break off the part that looks bad. Although this rarely happen.
How to store Lush products?
- I keep perfumes in a dark, cold spot
- All my bath bombs and bubble bars are wrapped in cling foil / saran wrap or a zip lock bag, this will keep them good for a long time. You can put them in an empty gift set, which will look nice as well.
- You can use the Lush tins or even a Tupperware container for pieces of soap, FUN or other solid products. I have samples, pieces of soap, pieces of FUN, massage bars, etc. individually wrapped in saran wrap and stored in a Lush tin.
- Fresh face masks can be stored in the fridge, but you can also put them in an ice cube tray – every time you want to use a fresh face mask, take out a piece, it will be enough to cover your whole face with.
Just keep in mind to keep your Lush products away from sunlight and humidity.
Do you have a question regarding Lush? Feel free to send me an email.