28 new bath bombs

Have you ever seen a cute, sleepy robot like this? Ickle Bot is one of the 28 new bath bombs that Lush recently launched, and as a lavender fan, I had to buy it. Work has been stressful lately and since I can’t snort a few lines of lavender buds, I’ll have to try other ways to relax. Let’s see if Ickle Bot can get the job done!

Now that I’m pregnant, I’m craving hot baths even more than ever. Lucky for me, I still have a LOT of bath bombs laying around, waiting to be reviewed. Today’s turn is The One With Orange Slices. I was particulary curious about this one, because I’m obsessed with anything smelling like oranges. For example, Orange shower scrub or the Sweet Wild Orange hand balsam. Ready to hop into the tub?

When I spotted the new Giant Intergalatic Bath Bomb, I couldn’t be more excited. Like, not even a bit. I’m a huge fan of Intergalactic, so imagine how happy I was when I saw this big boy. It’s a whopping 425 grams (a ‘normal’ Intergalactic is 200 gram) and it even contains a little surprise inside. Out of the 28 new bath bombs (of which I bought about 20) this is the second one for me to review. If you’re curious, keep on reading!

I must’ve bought about 20 of the new bath bombs that were lauched for World Bath Bomb Day. I just couldn’t choose between them all! I decided to use Druids of Bath first, since it’s a pretty popular pick from the collection. I’m already in love with its stunning design. If you’re curious, keep on reading!