
When I learned that my favorite product Candy Rain shared its scent with the OG bath bomb ‘Mrs Whippy’, I knew I had to get my hands on it. Lucky for me, it was in the Kitchen box last month! I couldn’t be more happy — a bath bomb with my all time favorite scent by Lush. Time to review this product!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

In The Netherlands, we don’t just celebrate Christmas, we also celebrate Sinterklaasfeest. Every December 5th or 6th, Sinterklaas and his helpers bring the children gifts. Yes, we don’t only have Santa Claus bringing, but also Sinterklaas. Dutch children are lucky bastards. Because Lush thinks Sinterklaasfeest should be celebrated with all the children, they’ve launched this exclusive bath bomb, called Bonne Bonne. The profits of this bath bomb are donated to Feest Voor Alle Kinderen (translated: Celebration For All Children), so they can put together gift sets and offer these to schools, so that every child can enjoy this traditional feast.
I decided to buy some bath bombs, one to review, and 3 to giveaway to my international followers! You can participate via my Instagram. If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

Leave it to Lush to create some cool, innovative products. Take this Crayon for example — unleash your inner van Gogh and then put on the tap for lots of bubbles. Bubbles smelling like Iced Wine! Oldschool Lushies may remember this delicious Lush scent, it was a amazing scent. Today I’m reviewing Crayon for you!
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading.

While I own a lot of shower gels by Lush, not many of those are 500 grams. I have Rose Jam in both 1 liter and 500 grams, I have Cinders in 500 grams, as well as Plum Rain and Bubbly.. and Ponche! Ponche is one of my most treasured shower gels, since there aren’t many products currently sharing this scent. Surely you can imagine how happy I was seeing this Ponche scented bubble bar! Today I decided to give it a try. If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then make sure you keep on reading!