hair conditioner

A hair conditioner that smells like Rose Jam? Sign me up. Although I’m starting to dislike the scent thanks to my -very strong and overpowering- Rose Jam body spray, I still wanted to give Valkyrie a chance. It’s good for chemically damaged hair, and since I haven’t seen my own hair color since the age of 13, you can imagine how often I dye my hair. Many, maaany times. Time to throw some Valkyrie at it. Singing to the melody of Valerie by Amy Winehouse, I took this conditioner with me to the shower. Why don’t you come on over, Valkyrieeeehieeeieee ♫♫
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When I went to Liverpool, I’d made a list of things I wanted to buy. Of course. On top of that list was Candy Rain, a new hair conditioner that would have a slight similarity with Yog Nog, in terms of scent. Now I’m literally addicted to that scent, so Candy Rain was immediately put on the list. Maybe you already spotted it in the picture above, but I’ve ended up buying a 500 gram bottle. I originally bought a 250 gram bottle, but once tested in the hotel the next day, I immediately went back to get another 500 gram bottle. That kinda gives it away about how I think about it, right?
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!