
The Valentine’s Day range hit the stores (and webshop) and I couldn’t be happier. Don’t get me wrong, I love the winter products, but seeing all these cute and cheerful spring products really make my heart beat faster. So when I received my order yesterday, I didn’t know how fast I had to fill up the tub. Love Locket has made its debut again this year, but with a small make over, and I was very excited to give it a try!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

When I heard of the Amazeballs, I wasn’t blown away, to be honest. Until I saw Jingle Bells in real life! This massive, white with pink bath bomb struck me with a very familiar scent. When the Lush employee held the bath bomb next to my ear and gave it a good shake, I could hear there was something inside this bath bomb. Oooh, what could it be? Little stars? Sea salt? Someone’s soul? You never know with Lush. So, curious as I am, I took this bath bomb home with me. And today I’ll tell you all about it!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.