
What’s the best, spicy shower gel by Lush? Without a doubt it’s Hot Toddy. Okay, I loved Glögg more, but they’ve discontinued that one. And since Hot Toddy comes pretty close, it’s no wonder I had to grab me a bottle of this spicy goodness. I still had half a bottle, but yeah, you know how it goes. You cherish those products, you don’t use them. But now I can finally indulge myself with Hot Toddy while it’s -1 °C or less outside.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Ik schrok toen ik zag dat ik deze klassieker nog nooit had gereviewd! Het is wellicht de bekendste bath bomb uit de Halloween collectie. Hoog tijd om hem eens in bad te gooien weer. En ik moet zeggen… wat heb ik hem gemist! Vandaag ga ik hem uitgebreid voor je reviewen. Zit je klaar met een kop thee? Lees dan verder.

When I heard of the Amazeballs, I wasn’t blown away, to be honest. Until I saw Jingle Bells in real life! This massive, white with pink bath bomb struck me with a very familiar scent. When the Lush employee held the bath bomb next to my ear and gave it a good shake, I could hear there was something inside this bath bomb. Oooh, what could it be? Little stars? Sea salt? Someone’s soul? You never know with Lush. So, curious as I am, I took this bath bomb home with me. And today I’ll tell you all about it!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.