
I still have my two pots of Bam! and Brr! shower slimes. They’re almost empty, but I just can’t get myself to finish it. (Do I need professional help? Probably) I just love this type of product so much, that I want to keep and cherish it in my stash forever. You can probably imagine how happy I was with the arrival of a new, limited shower slime! Today I’ll be reviewing this product, so you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Dream Cream is one of my favorite products by Lush. Its amazing scent and results have made me a big fan of this product, so the arrival of Oaty Dreamy Creamy (formerly known as 101 Salvations) in 2017 was more than welcome. I couldn’t wait to combine these two products for my dry ass skin, so time for a review.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

I love zesty and citrusy shower gels, because they do an amazing job at waking me up in the morning. There’s nothing like a good, zesty scent penetrating your nose and giving you a good wakeup call. It’s been years since I had this shower gel in my shower, but when I saw it in the German sale, I had to grab a bottle. And boy, I do not regret it!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

When I saw Prince Charming making a comeback this year, I was so thrilled. I had just one bottle left of this wonderful shower gel, and it expired in like, 2014 or so. It had practically become a collectors item rather than a product I still use daily, so I was kinda in need for a new bottle. When the Valentine’s Day collection was launched I immediately grabbed myself a bottle of this lovable shower gel. A few days later, this handsome looking Prince Charming was delivered to my doorstep. Not on a white horse, but in the hands of the mail man.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Together with Nana, Almond Blossom is completely new at Lush. Although it’s not a completely new scent — it’s supposedly sharing its scent with Snowflake, a product from the Christmas range. Since I wasn’t very fond of Snowflake, I decided to grab myself a small bottle of Almond Blossom. Let’s put this new shower gel to the test!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

When I heard about the new products, I was incredibly excited — but mostly because of Nana! It was rumored that this yellow shower gel would share its scent with Let The Good Times Roll, the well-known popcorn facial cleanser with scrumptious scent. This was soon confirmed by one of Lush’s product inventors — much to the delight of many Lushies, myself included, because Let The Good Times Roll is just such a heavenly scent. When I asked on Instagram which product you’d like to read about first, Nana was in the first place. So, here it is, my review on Nana!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

Yesterday I wrote about Snowcake perfume, but I also bought the shower gel a while ago. Of course I had to, because if there’s one wonderful winter scent (besides Yog Nog 🧡), it’s Snowcake! Although I wasn’t really negative about the perfume, I wasn’t very positive as well. So.. I’m pretty curious how I’ll like this one! If you’re curious as well, make sure you keep on reading.

No matter how cold it is outside, there is always a Lush product to warm yourself up with. The shower bomb that I am going to review today is one of them. It’s packed with spicy oils and a scent that will warm up the most cold hearted souls! Since I always enjoy using and testing the shower bombs, I enthusiastically left the Lush store with three shower bombs in my bag. Today I’m going to review Rudolph Nose for you, so if you’re curious, make sure you keep on reading.

Initially, I didn’t intend to buy this shower jelly, seeing as I already have a LOT. But when I saw photos of this gorgeous jelly, I couldn’t help it. Who needs a spine, anyway? I ordered this jelly and upon arrival, I couldn’t be more in love. It’s so gorgeous, I must’ve taken about 100 photos of it! Today I’m going to show you this gem.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

There aren’t a lot of things that can wake me up in the morning. Not even the alarm clock can do the job. Thank God my boyfriend wakes me up, although it takes awhile before I eventually open my eyes. Once out of bed, I drag myself to the shower, only to lean against the wall with my eyes closed, half sleeping. No, waking up is not my thing. Fortunately, Lush has some amazing products for mornings like these! Cup O’ Coffee used to be my favorite, but right now, I’ve completely fallen in love with Easy Peeler. The scent doesn’t just wake me up — it also makes me happy. And THAT is impressive, seeing as I normally don’t crack a smile before having my cup of black coffee.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!