Scrub? I love it. Pink scrub? Give it to me. I don’t care what the scent is, a pink scrub is all that I need in life. So I was veryyy happy when I saw Lush had a pink scrub in the Mother’s Day range this year. My ass is broke thanks to this range, but whatever. After all, I do need to have something to write about on my blog, right? Right??

What is it?
Lush Mammia Mia costs £10.95 (300g) or £19.95 (600g). Not only the color is amazing, the substance is great as well. It’s not as rough as Rub Rub Rub, Mamma Mia is more like a mush with a scrub in it. Just scoop out a handful and let the scrubbing begin!
I cannot live without scrubbing. A smooth and radiant skin, it’s what I live for. It’s not just a lovely feeling, it’s also very good for your skin. Get rid of dead skin, stimulate blood circulation, unclog pores, you name it.

What’s in it?
The scrub grains in this product are made of fine sea salt and Himalayan salt. The second ingredient is NLS, a surfactant that also goes by the name SLS or SLES. This ensures that the skin gets a good cleaning, although in a somewhat chemical way, there is a lot of discussion about this ingredient. My skin does not react negative on this ingredient, so I’m not bothered by this ingredient. I don’t even really react to perfume or alcohol (except on parties). Anyway, other than this, there’s also pink pink grapefruit puree, pink grapefruit peel decoction, bergamot oil, rosewood, vanilla absolue and rose clay in it.
The smell is sweet and floral. Sweet because of the grapefruit in it, floral because of the bergamot and roses, but also warm because of the vanilla in it. Lush, please make more products with this scent! Some people have been comparing the scent to Pink Charming. Although I absolutely get the comparison (because of the grapefruit in both products), I do think Mamma Mia is warmer. Prince Charming is more fresh.

What do I think?
This product is really awesome. Why? Well first because of the scent, it’s just really good. Sweet and floral, it’s perfect for spring. The color is a huge plus. The substance is exactly right — fine scrub grains floating in a hydrating mush. This makes not just me really happy, but also my skin. It feels soft, smooth and hydrated afterwards. Am I going to buy another pot? I’m not sure, it’s not cheap. And I do have a lot of other scrubs. But one thing is sure, I will be using Mamma Mia with a lot of pleasure.
USA: $15.95 (11.2 oz)
I wish Lush would make this a permanent product. It is probably the most amazing smelling product they’ve ever carried. It smells so much like Snow Fairy but actually lasts. I use this on my hands because I have really bad eczema. It gets remotely better in the summer but I have patches regardless. It makes it bearable and I pair it with dream cream and my hands feel ah-mazing. I can’t live without this. It’s literally like crack but it’s not crack because drugs are bad m’kay. Thank you for exploiting this product because I adore it. In the states it’s less expensive than the other scrubs. I will probably end up stocking up. I sent them a REALLY LONG email hoping it will persuade them on my addiction to Mamma Mia. My mom doesn’t use any skin products and still looks awesome, I’m so jealous, so I just treated myself to this.
I’m so glad to hear this actually works for you! I really hope Lush will listen to you and make it a permanent product!
Your blog is awesome !! Love the review
I wish they would make a lotion, perfume/body spray and shampoo in this. I’m so in love with the scent because of the warm, sweet vanilla.