This week I ordered the American Cream shower gel, and I just couldn’t help myself but to order this product as well. Using a body conditioner combined with a shower gel is just the ultimate jackpot for me. It’s like a double party in the shower! Today I’ll be telling you all about this body conditioner.
If you want to know what I think of this pink body conditioner, keep on reading!

When I saw that this pink shower gel called American Cream was part of the Valentine’s Day range, I didn’t have to think twice — I need this in my life! I mean, check out that color. It could be smelling like a turd sprinkled with curry powder and I’d STILL buy it. Fortunately for me, it has the same delicious scent that American Cream hair conditioner does, and since I’m in love with that product, it didn’t take long before my order was delivered.
Curious about how I like it? Then keep on reading!