
It’s the season of pumpkins, ghost stories, trick ‘r treat, horror movies, and.. glitter. Because what is a typical Halloween bath without glitters?! That’s why Lush decided to bring back Sparkly Pumpkin bubble bar, making its appearance once again this Halloween. It’s a classic in the Halloween range since 2014, and today I’ll show you why!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

I can’t believe that this is already the last bath bomb from the Easter collection that I will be reviewing! This glittering egg is a bath bomb, but it’s also a bath melt. The result: a bath full of glitter, you full of glitter, everything full of glitter. I could not have wished for a better bathing session. Anyway, let’s find out what this bath bomb looks like in the tub!
If you’re curious, keep on reading.