
Toothpaste jellies. Yes, you read that right. Toothpaste with a wobbly, jelly structure. If I didn’t know Lush, there’s no way in hell I’d try this. Thankfully I *am* familiar with Lush, and I expect this to be another genius, innovative invention. Since brushing teeth is one of the most boring jobs out there, I bought some variety of flavors. I was very positive after using Candy Cane, so it was time to expand the collection.

Brush your teeth with a jelly? Well, it took me a while to get used to that idea. I’m someone who likes to stick with her regular products. Lush already made me step out of my comfort zone a few times, I mean.. I’ve brushed my teeth with tabs that I had to chew on, I showered myself with a wobbly pudding (a shower jelly), I put sea salt in my hair, so yeah.. as far as I’m concerned, I’m already doing pretty well trying out new stuff 😂 A bit hesitant, I took this toothpaste jelly with me to the bathroom. After having it used a few times, I’m ready to give you my opinion about it.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!