
If there’s one shower bomb that drew my attention in Liverpool, it’s Meditation. A black cone, what would that look like in the shower? The name suggests a calming and soothing scent, which is great for people like me, who tend to get stressed quickly. At moments like that, I love taking a shower and use some soothing products. Meditation is great for these shower sessions! Today I’ll tell you all about this product.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Once upon a time, in a land far far away.. oh wait, no, it was just my bathroom. But it was a long time ago that I used Blackberry in the tub. To be precisely — in 2015, with the old Blackberry. I took photos and a video of it in horrible quality back then. Oh how I love seeing how I’ve grown. But not just me, also Blackberry has made a comeback with a new look! Today I’ll show you the new Blackberry. With better quality photos and a video, that is.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

Lush brought out a bath bomb with one of my favorite fragrance families, Rose Jam. It’s called Black Rose and it’s a Harajuku exclusive. I wasn’t planning on buying this one, because I found the price to be a bit expensive. For that amount of money I want a bath bomb that is REALLY special, and Black Rose didn’t look that special to me. But of course, as always, I ended up buying it anyway because I just couldn’t resist the idea of a bath bomb smelling like Rose Jam.
How I wished that I’ve never bought it. Not only did this bath bomb leave quite an impression, I too left an impression, uh, I mean imprint. Yeah, I know it sounds vague. Just keep on reading.