rose jam

The Valentine’s Day collection launched and I couldn’t be more excited. The Valentine’s Day range has always been a huge favorite here, because I love the pink, lovely, cute products that come with it. Heartbeat was love at first sight — gorgeous pink with golden, glittery chunks of cocoa butter shaped like a heart. It could’ve smelled like a trash can — I’d still buy it. Today I’m throwing this cutie into the tub, so if you’re wondering how that looks like, make sure you keep on reading.

A hair conditioner that smells like Rose Jam? Sign me up. Although I’m starting to dislike the scent thanks to my -very strong and overpowering- Rose Jam body spray, I still wanted to give Valkyrie a chance. It’s good for chemically damaged hair, and since I haven’t seen my own hair color since the age of 13, you can imagine how often I dye my hair. Many, maaany times. Time to throw some Valkyrie at it. Singing to the melody of Valerie by Amy Winehouse, I took this conditioner with me to the shower. Why don’t you come on over, Valkyrieeeehieeeieee ♫♫
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Lush brought out a bath bomb with one of my favorite fragrance families, Rose Jam. It’s called Black Rose and it’s a Harajuku exclusive. I wasn’t planning on buying this one, because I found the price to be a bit expensive. For that amount of money I want a bath bomb that is REALLY special, and Black Rose didn’t look that special to me. But of course, as always, I ended up buying it anyway because I just couldn’t resist the idea of a bath bomb smelling like Rose Jam.
How I wished that I’ve never bought it. Not only did this bath bomb leave quite an impression, I too left an impression, uh, I mean imprint. Yeah, I know it sounds vague. Just keep on reading.

If you’re a crazy Lushie like I am, then you need every product from your favorite scent. Right? Rose Jam is one of my favorite scents, so it made completely sense that I bought this naked body conditioner. Even though I never use the naked products in the shower 🤷♀️ I just needed to have it. Also because it was on sale. Well if that’s not reason enough to buy it, then what is?
Even though it’s not for sale at the moment, I still wanted to share my thought on this product.