Liverpool exclusives

When I was in Liverpool (I swear, I feel like all my intros start like this for the couple past months) I bought this gorgeous shower bomb, along with some other shower bombs. I would go back to Liverpool for this shower bomb alone! It’s not just beautiful to see, it also has a great scent and is exactly the reason why I love jasmine. I wanted to wait as long as possible with writing this blog post, so I could enjoy the scent longer. But now that the amount of products I have left to review is shrinking, there’s nothing left for me than to review this product. So, I did. And today you can read all about my experience with this tantric bomb!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

I’ve been a fan of Ultrabland for like, forever. This facial cleanser by Lush has a great substance that effortlessly removes my makeup and the end of the day, but also takes care of my skin. When I saw there’s a vegan version of Ultrabland, called Ultraplant, in Liverpool, I didn’t hesitate for a moment. Today I will show you Ultraplant, but also show you the similarities and differences with the original Ultrabland. Is it better, or not?
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Hey guys! I’ve been wanting to put these photos up the moment I got back from Liverpool, but with all the reviewing of the new released products, I just didn’t have the time to sort them all out. I’ve finally done so, so enjoy a shitload of Lush Liverpool photos. Also I want to thank Ruby from Lush Netherlands for getting me an awesome tour there. And a big thanks to the amazing staff for giving me and my friend a tour in the new store, helping us find the products we needed and for the lovely chats we had! 💚

Is a cup of coffee in the morning not enough to wake you up? I know the feeling. Fortunatly, the Lush Gods have been listening to our prayers and gave us Wake Up Call. Unlike a cup of coffee, we can simply take this with us into the shower. Today i’ll tell you all about this shower bomb!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

A shower bomb that looks like a cute bug? I had to have it! (Well, even it doesn’t like a cute bug, I’d still buy it, but whatever) I was very curious about the new shower bombs, because so far, I really enjoyed using them. They’re great products, and they don’t need packaging. I took a few home with me when I was in Liverpool, and today I’ll put this green cutie to the test.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Ever since I’ve used Carrot shower oil, I’ve been hooked. They’ve become a favorite product here, and the best thing is that they don’t need any packaging. When I smelled Minamisoma in Liverpool, I had to take it home. It’s like the shower buttery version of Avocado Wash. I’ve been using it a few times now, and I can’t wait to share my thoughts on it.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

I refused it from the moment I saw it. I would NOT buy a bottle of shampoo for the price of 18 pounds. I mean, I’m Lush obsessed, but there are limits. But when I saw that everyone pretty much went hysterical because of the temporary arrival of this shampoo, I was like… shit. Positive words about Wasabi Shan Kui Shampoo were seriously haunting me. Would it really be that good? It kept arousing my interest, eventually causing me to buy the damn shampoo. Of 18 pounds. After having it used for a week, I can today share my thoughts with you on this shampoo.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

I will never not back down for hair thickening products. I have middle-long thin hair, so some volume is always much appreciated. Thank God for me, Lush has been on a roll lately with their hair care. I’m already loving Candy Rain, Valkyrie and Super Milk, so I’d expect nothing less from this product. I was pretty eager to test it, and today I can share my thoughts on it!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

After having reviewed Bongo and Conga, there was one jelly from Liverpool left to be reviewed. No, not Rumba. Rumba shares its scent with So White, which I hate. There’s also Gong, this one shares its scent with Golden Pear, but I already have the Golden Pear shower jelly, so I didn’t take Gong with me home. No, it’s Beats, the prettiest jelly from the Liverpool jellies range. I’ve used Beats for a few weeks now and in the meantime I have bought another 240 gram, so that already reveals how much I like it.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

When I was in Liverpool a while ago, I had immediately spotted the Party Exclusives in the new Liverpool store. They were hanging on the wall, but they’re not for sale. The only way to get them is to book a party at any UK Lush store. Now I do party with Lush every day in the shower, but for this I would need at least 8 people, and I just don’t have that many friends 😂🤷🏻♀️ I left the store that day with a LOT of products, which I was veryyy happy with, but somehow I was still bit sad that these nice exclusives weren’t for sale…
Until two weeks ago! On Instagram I saw someone posting that they’re now temporarily for sale in the UK webshop. I didn’t know how FAST I had to grab the creditcard upstairs (I tell you, I ran faster than Usain Bolt ever could) and tossed in some party exclusives into my shopping basket. After a long wait, almost two weeks later they finally arrived. I got three of the Crash jellies, one Cilla the Caterpillar Bath Bomb and two Calm A Llama Party Piñata Bath Bombs. And today, you can read all about the last one.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.