lush labs

I’ve been loving the shower oils lately. They make my skin nourished and soft, without leaving a greasy layer. Even though it’s hotter than hell currently, my skin always tends to get dry and flaky. Let’s bring out the shower oils! Today I’ll be reviewing Coco Loco, which has the perfect scent for these sunny days.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

I refused it from the moment I saw it. I would NOT buy a bottle of shampoo for the price of 18 pounds. I mean, I’m Lush obsessed, but there are limits. But when I saw that everyone pretty much went hysterical because of the temporary arrival of this shampoo, I was like… shit. Positive words about Wasabi Shan Kui Shampoo were seriously haunting me. Would it really be that good? It kept arousing my interest, eventually causing me to buy the damn shampoo. Of 18 pounds. After having it used for a week, I can today share my thoughts with you on this shampoo.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

I will never not back down for hair thickening products. I have middle-long thin hair, so some volume is always much appreciated. Thank God for me, Lush has been on a roll lately with their hair care. I’m already loving Candy Rain, Valkyrie and Super Milk, so I’d expect nothing less from this product. I was pretty eager to test it, and today I can share my thoughts on it!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

After having reviewed Bongo and Conga, there was one jelly from Liverpool left to be reviewed. No, not Rumba. Rumba shares its scent with So White, which I hate. There’s also Gong, this one shares its scent with Golden Pear, but I already have the Golden Pear shower jelly, so I didn’t take Gong with me home. No, it’s Beats, the prettiest jelly from the Liverpool jellies range. I’ve used Beats for a few weeks now and in the meantime I have bought another 240 gram, so that already reveals how much I like it.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!