
When I posted on my Instagram Story that I needed an Intergalactic Body Spray to exist, fellow Lushie @lunarangst told me there was, in fact, an Intergalactic Glitter Mist. Wait, what?!! Then this heaven-sent angel offered me to grab me one from her nearest Lush store. I didn’t even hesitate. I didn’t care how much it would cost, or how much the shipping costs would be, I NEEDED this product. A few weeks later I received it in the mail, and today I’ll be reviewing this exclusive product!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

In The Netherlands, we don’t just celebrate Christmas, we also celebrate Sinterklaasfeest. Every December 5th or 6th, Sinterklaas and his helpers bring the children gifts. Yes, we don’t only have Santa Claus bringing, but also Sinterklaas. Dutch children are lucky bastards. Because Lush thinks Sinterklaasfeest should be celebrated with all the children, they’ve launched this exclusive bath bomb, called Bonne Bonne. The profits of this bath bomb are donated to Feest Voor Alle Kinderen (translated: Celebration For All Children), so they can put together gift sets and offer these to schools, so that every child can enjoy this traditional feast.
I decided to buy some bath bombs, one to review, and 3 to giveaway to my international followers! You can participate via my Instagram. If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

When @pistashiba asked me what bubble bars I wanted from the Harajuku launch, it was inevitable that I’d go for Twilight bubble bar. Together with Mrs Whippy, these two were my most wanted bubble bars. I’m a huge lavender fan, and who could possibly resist this gorgeous bubble bar? I had much fun photographing this stunner, but after having drooled over its appearance for weeks, it was time to break it in half and use it in the tub.
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading.

The horrors of Lucky Cat bath bomb were still fresh in my mind, so I wasn’t too enthusiastic about a second Lucky Cat product. The bubble bar has the exact same look and size as the bath bomb, which makes it even harder to not be biased. I decided to buy it anyway, I had to give it another chance! I love cats and I love pink, so this one HAS to be a hit, right?
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading.

Leave it to Lush to create some cool, innovative products. Take this Crayon for example — unleash your inner van Gogh and then put on the tap for lots of bubbles. Bubbles smelling like Iced Wine! Oldschool Lushies may remember this delicious Lush scent, it was a amazing scent. Today I’m reviewing Crayon for you!
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading.

Chances are you’re looking at this bubble bar and thinking by yourself: “What the hell is it?” Well, I wasn’t not too sure either. Apparently Akaname means “filth licker” and it’s a demon from Japanese folklore, ‘stated to lick the filth that collects in bathtubs and bathrooms.’ Well, doesn’t that sound fun. At least this little goblin looks cuter than the goblins I found on Google Images while Googling ‘Akaname’. Yeah, don’t Google it. Just don’t.
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading.

ZAP! A wild bubble bar appears! It uses move glow in the dark — it’s very effective! Okay, enough with the Pokemon-nerdiness. But how cool is this bubble bar? The shape, the scent, the glow in the dark part — they really did a great job at Lush HQ. Though it’s not the glow in the dark part that convinced me to buy this bubble bar, it was the lovely Calacas scent. Today I’m reviewing this bubble bar for you!
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading.

After all the cute bubble bars we’ve had the past few days, I’ve got something completely different for you today. A lot of you were curious about this golden finger, which is in my opinion one of Lush weirdest bubble bars 😂 But hey, it’s gold, it sparkles and it smells of a very well known Lush scent family. Today I’m going to review this brand new bubble stick for you!
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading.

If I’d wake up tomorrow and could only smell one scent for the rest of my life, I’d choose lavender. Lavender never gets boring to me, I love the soft floral scent so much. Being a huge fan of both the Sleepy and Twilight scent families, I had to grab myself a Sleepy bubble bar. I mean.. it doesn’t just smell amazing, it also looks drop dead gorgeous! Today I’m going to review this bubble bar for you, so if you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading.

If it’s purple and blue and it has a mermaid tail on top, I need it — I can assure you. I didn’t really care about the scent or price as well, I know a cute bubble bar when I see one. I decided I needed a bunch of these in my life, but before I’m bulk buying, I’m going to see how I like this cutie.
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading!