
I’m a sucker for colorful bath bombs, so it wasn’t a surprise that I bought this bath bomb immediately when I saw it. Upon arriving I was in love—this bath bomb is huge and so colorful. It looks like a ticket… a ticket for a long soak. I normally don’t do long soaks, I can never sit still and I usually exit the bath after half an hour. But maybe, this time I will truly have one long soak!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

Excuse the lack of ‘normal’ photos of this bath bomb, but apparently I hadn’t taken any photos of it before throwing it into the bath tub. I guess that’s how bad I wanted to use it! This cute bath bomb is part of the Easter range and I love the fitting design. Today I’ll be reviewing this bath bomb, so if you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading!

The Easter collection by Lush has to be my favorite range of all times. Nothing beats Easter — the cute bath bombs, the cheerful scents and colors, the fact that Spring is around the corner. One of the products that grabbed my attention was Flamingo Egg. Pink and blue, with colored sea salt sprinkled on top. It looks incredibly cute, but how will this brand new bath bomb perform in the tub? Let’s find out.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

Chances are you’re looking at this bubble bar and thinking by yourself: “What the hell is it?” Well, I wasn’t not too sure either. Apparently Akaname means “filth licker” and it’s a demon from Japanese folklore, ‘stated to lick the filth that collects in bathtubs and bathrooms.’ Well, doesn’t that sound fun. At least this little goblin looks cuter than the goblins I found on Google Images while Googling ‘Akaname’. Yeah, don’t Google it. Just don’t.
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading.

Lush has a variety of very popular products. Dream Cream is one of them, but Lemony Flutter as well — and not without reason! This bestselling product has been around since 2005 (thank you @lush.scents for your eternal knowledge ♥), and when I Google this product, countless of product reviews come up. But shockingly, I never reviewed this product! Shame on me, I know. But no worries, today I will finally review this product!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

All aboard the Love Boat! This cute bath bomb is part of the Valentine’s Day collection, and its cheerful colors are very inviting to step on board. Moreover, in a collection where the other bath bombs are pretty pricey, this bath bomb isn’t as expensive as some other bath bombs. Seems to me, this is one to cherish. And to stock up on! But first, let me review it for you.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

What’s the best, spicy shower gel by Lush? Without a doubt it’s Hot Toddy. Okay, I loved Glögg more, but they’ve discontinued that one. And since Hot Toddy comes pretty close, it’s no wonder I had to grab me a bottle of this spicy goodness. I still had half a bottle, but yeah, you know how it goes. You cherish those products, you don’t use them. But now I can finally indulge myself with Hot Toddy while it’s -1 °C or less outside.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

I was a little worried about writing this review because I know how popular this scent is.. because I can tell you already that Happy does NOT make me Happy. So today’s review will be written pure out of my perspective, so Happy-lovers might have to skip this review 😅 On a brighter note, this shower gel looks gorgeous, so at least I got some good photos out of it.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

To be honest, picking out products to review on this blog is being done completely random. Of course I tend to order products with a scent that I like, but with Jumping Juniper, I had no idea what the scent would be like! I didn’t even know for what hair type it would be. But I do this with a purpose. I can’t always review products that I like, because some products would never be reviewed on my blog. And if I really don’t like a product, I can always make my friends or family happy with it. Today I’ll be reviewing Jumping Juniper shampoo bar!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.