shampoo bar

The holidays are over, and so are my Christmas reviews! I haven’t been able to review everything I wanted, but something more important is going on in my life at the moment, so I was unable to blog as much as I would like to. Yes, I’m doing fine, no worries! Hopefully I’ll be able to share some details soon 😊 Anyway, a product that was waiting for me to be reviewed, was this new shampoo bar by Lush. Lately I’ve been testing it extensively and today I’ll my experience with this SLS free shampoo bar.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

To be honest, picking out products to review on this blog is being done completely random. Of course I tend to order products with a scent that I like, but with Jumping Juniper, I had no idea what the scent would be like! I didn’t even know for what hair type it would be. But I do this with a purpose. I can’t always review products that I like, because some products would never be reviewed on my blog. And if I really don’t like a product, I can always make my friends or family happy with it. Today I’ll be reviewing Jumping Juniper shampoo bar!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

I think this is the first review on my blog of a product that isn’t vegan. Shame on me, I know! I prefer to always use vegan products, but a few weeks back I threw this shampoo bar in my digital shopping basket, not thinking straight. When it arrived, suddenly the penny dropped — it’s not vegan! 😅 Doh, it contains honey. But I decided I’m going to review it anyway, so if you’re curious, keep on reading.

I’ve been using a shampoo bar often lately. I was always a fan of the liquid shampoos, but somehow I’m now completely devoted to my shampoo bars. When I spotted this coffee-like shampoo bar in the Father’s Day range, I didn’t hesitate for a moment to buy it. It immediately reminded me of Copperhead shampoo bar, another shampoo from the main range with coffee in it as well. Dear John is, however, a bit different and today I’ll share my thoughts on the Dear John shampoo bar.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!