
This blog post has been written by guest blogger T.
Evelien has kindly invited me to post my Lush perfume reviews on her blog, after she saw them on Reddit. I have a passion for fragrances and writing and I am so happy I finally found a way to combine the two!
In my 25 years I have tried roughly 100 Lush perfumes and body sprays. They are so special and unique but also… not the cheapest. This is why I always do my best to give a detailed scent description for each and every one, so you can make an informed purchase-decision.

This blog post has been written by guest blogger T.
Evelien has kindly invited me to post my Lush perfume reviews on her blog, after she saw them on Reddit. I have a passion for fragrances and writing and I am so happy I finally found a way to combine the two!
In my 25 years I have tried roughly 100 Lush perfumes and body sprays. They are so special and unique but also… not the cheapest. This is why I always do my best to give a detailed scent description for each and every one, so you can make an informed purchase-decision.
Click further to read the blog post.

Recently I wrote a review on the Snowcake perfume. Lush released a few perfumes as part of the Community Favourites a while ago, including Snowcake, but also this gem 29 High St. As a big fan of this scent, I had to have this perfume. You might be familiar with this scent because of the Aubergine bath bomb (and soap), which is now back and is here to stay, except for the soap. Anyway, today I’ll be reviewing this classic scent for you.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

I was pretty hesitate when I saw the new perfumes in the webshop. Did I wanted to buy this perfume or not? I was planning on a no buy month, since paying for every product on my blog can get a bit expensive (especially with all those releases lately!). Don’t get me wrong: I LOVE buying Lush for my blog, and I mostly buy stuff I really use myself, so it’s two birds with one stone for me. But still, I wanted to try to not buy Lush for a month. And I didn’t even plan on buying those new limited perfumes! And as you can see, that went really well! 🙄 After a long discussion with myself, I decided to buy Snowcake perfume. And while I was at it, why not buy 29 High St. as well? Yeah, I’m weak lol. Anyway, enjoy this Snowcake perfume review! I broke my no buy month for it, so y’all better read it.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!