Shower gels

What’s the best, spicy shower gel by Lush? Without a doubt it’s Hot Toddy. Okay, I loved Glögg more, but they’ve discontinued that one. And since Hot Toddy comes pretty close, it’s no wonder I had to grab me a bottle of this spicy goodness. I still had half a bottle, but yeah, you know how it goes. You cherish those products, you don’t use them. But now I can finally indulge myself with Hot Toddy while it’s -1 °C or less outside.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

I was a little worried about writing this review because I know how popular this scent is.. because I can tell you already that Happy does NOT make me Happy. So today’s review will be written pure out of my perspective, so Happy-lovers might have to skip this review 😅 On a brighter note, this shower gel looks gorgeous, so at least I got some good photos out of it.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

If there’s one product that I’m very curious about, it is the Yog Nog shower gel. I am a big fan of the Yog Nog scent, ever since the first soap came out in 2014. It would inevitable that they would release a shower gel one day, as this scent family has built up a large fan base over the years. This shower gel was in the advent calendar that I bought, and today I’ll tell you all about it!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Today it’s the turn of the last shower gel of the Community Favourites. Turmeric Latte is based on the Turmeric Latte Bath Bomb — one that I really enjoyed. I had no idea what to expect from this shower gel though, so it was a bit of a surprise for me. I read some different opinions about it on social media, so I couldn’t wait to test it myself. Well, I’ve used it a few times now, so today you can read MY opinion about it. 😀
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Fancy a walk in the forest, but there’s no forest near you? No problem, because today’s shower gel will immediately transport to a pine forest. The bright green shower gel is based on the popular Guardian of the Forest Bath Bomb, a green bath bomb that will bring you back to earth. Although I’ve only had this bath bomb once, I was of course too curious to this shower gel to let this one slip by. Even though we’re blessed with a lovely beach here, I love being in the woods, so Guardians is a very welcome addition here.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

I don’t know what it’s like where you live, but here in The Netherlands, it’s currently bizarre hot. I’m glad I live at the coast, where it’s always a bit cooler thanks to the sea air, but elsewhere it’s easily 98 degrees (37 Celsius), I’ve even saw temperatures reaching 104 degrees (40 Celsius). It should be illegal to be this hot. When it’s this hot, a fresh, minty shower gel is essential. Therefore I was very happy with Intergalactic shower gel, because I already knew how amazing it smelled as a bath bomb.
If you’re curious if the scent is just as good as the bath bomb, make sure you keep on reading!

Groovy Kind of Love, a bath bomb from the Harajuku collection that I liked a LOT. The scent actually reminded me of Golden Wonder, my favorite bath bomb by Lush, because it has the same warm citrus-like scent. I knew I would like this shower gel judging from my experience with the bath bomb, so I couldn’t wait to put it to the test. Today you’ll read all about it.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

I remember it like yesterday. I’m talking 2011, when I did a beauty swap with some (basically exchanging packages filled with shit you wouldn’t use) and the girl who I swapped with, put a Lush product in it. It was a funny, wobbly jelly, named Joy of Jelly. When I smelled it, I fell in love. But it wasn’t until a few years later, when I came in contact with Lush again, that my love for Lush got really serious. In all those years I’ve had incredible products from Lush, but Joy of Jelly, being the first Lush product I owned, had a special place in my heart. When I heard that a shower gel came out of Sex Bomb, I HAD to have it, even if a bottle would cost me 65 dollars. Thank God it’s a little cheaper.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

In case you’ve missed it: yes, there’s now a Goddess shower gel. Last week, Lush hinted on social media that new shower gels were being released. These are Groovy Kind of Love, Sex Bomb, Goddess, Intergalactic, Guardians of the Forest and Turmeric Latte. Also, a Cookie Dough Body Scrub! I swear, the whole Lush Community went batshit crazy when they found out. Including me. So it’s probably no surprise that I’ve bought them all. And today, we’ll start off with Goddess.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

Yes, you read that right. Transforming a bath bomb into a shower gel really is possible. And it’s super easy. Why would you do this? Well, you might have a bath bomb laying around that you once received as a gift, and you can’t do anything with it, because you don’t have a bath (anymore). In that case, a DIY like this is fun to do. So if you still have a bath bomb somewhere that you ever got before Christmas from an aunt, grab it because this experiment is too fun not to try. Today I’ll show you how you do it!